Saturday, January 19, 2013

Nineveh Lent Scripture Reading

The three day lent is a lent of attrition and repentance commemorating the repentance of the people Nineveh at the preaching of Prophet Jonah.
This lent starts three weeks before the start of the Great Lent.

Monday of Three days Lent
Evening: St. Matthew 12: 31-41,
Morning: Numbers5: 5-10, Jonah 1:1- 17,Isaiah19: 17-22,
Acts13:6 - 12, Colossians1: 3-13, St. Matthew 7: 1-12

Tuesday of Three days Lent
Evening: St. Luke 4:24-32
Morning: Exodus22:28 - 30, Micah 1:1-16,Jonah 2:1-10,Nahum 1:1-14,Isaiah57: 13-19
Acts 8: 9-25,Romans1: 18- 32, St. Matthew 24: 36-46

Wednesday of Three days Lent
Evening:  St. Luke 11: 5-13, 29-32
Morning: Exodus23: 1 -9, Zephaniah1: 11-2: 4, Jonah3: 1 - 10,Isaiah41: 17-26
St. James1: 13-27, Romans15: 24-43,St. Luke11:27-36
Holy Qurbana
II Peter 2: 1-18,I Thessalonians 5: 12-24,St. Matthew 12: 38-50

Thursday / The end of Three days Lent

Before Holy Qurbana: Genesis18: 23-33, Joshua7: 6- 20, Jonah4: 1 - 11
Holy Qurbana: St. James4: 7-17,Ephesians5: 3-21, St. Luke12: 54-13: 9

Complete Lectionary availabe on

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